This is for anybody and everybody interested in the everyday mundane chores of a mechanical engineering grad student, who'd rather be sleeping anytime than writing all this bull!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Got the bar!

so after 2 weeks of excruciating practice, i finally got it!..i'd been trying on-and-off for bout 3-4 months, without much seriousness or practice..but then come February I decided to fight the demon nd lay the ghosts to rest...nah, I am not talkin bout talkin bout gettin the bar chords on the guitar!LOL!..yeah now i can play all those wonderful chords..all i need is a little bit of practice goin from open to bar chords nd vice-versa...
mayb i can b good on the guitar in 2 years or so..great probably in 10-15..but who cares as lon as am havin fun nd creatin music!..I am usually not interested in percussion instruments, but recently I came across this celtic drum called the 'bodhran'..nd it just sounds amazin nd i was astonished at the skill level required 2 play it..if u've heard/seen the corrs in 'Dreams', u'd kno what i'm talkin bout, Caroline Corr plays it to perfection nd it almos sounds like a bass guitar if u dont pay mayb one day i'll pick this up, but i dont c it happenin for the next 2-3 years..for now its only gonna b my piano nd my guitar..nd thn letsc how it goes!