This is for anybody and everybody interested in the everyday mundane chores of a mechanical engineering grad student, who'd rather be sleeping anytime than writing all this bull!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Thesis hesist esisth sisthe isthes sthesi thesis

started writing my thesis this year with a goal of writing atleast every weekend, so that I have something substantial done by the time I really have to write it up. This year is gonna be pretty xciting, I've a lot on my plate but I think I can get it all done..all I need to do is put some good hard work over the summer and not let the sun distract me..learnin latex now..thanks to Param and Aru, have had a pretty good start and think I can make more sense outta it in a week or so..nyways 2:30 am and I am off to bed..i hope i fuckin wakeup at 7 in the morning coz I've put two alarms and I fuckin better waje up!@!!!!!